Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Hello everyone,
It's been long time i'm never posting something interesting like this.
this posting is all about a very amazing room that've been created by random picos.
so take a look of these picture and i hope you like it!

Rørønøa Zórő
wow, this guy has been twice going to my blog becoz of his imagination
now he made this!
opinion : perhaps this house is simmilar with SASUKE's room but the differences is this "zorro" is holding a sword. well, it's still perfect isn't?

'優-悲しい雪 '
this girl made a beautiful garden and futuristic house.
take a look of this picture

room 1 (beautiful garden)

room 2 ( futuristic house)

good job hunny!


咒 怨

this guy created gotham city and also batman's car in his room
take a look of this picture

opinion : i've found any similar with the same theme,
but actually this is the best house of gotham city.
look at the flying street structure. it's different and it's really cool.


 ♠ P u p u t ♠

this girl had been copied my room 2, and now she changed it into cute sunflower house

cute isn't it?



wow! maybe you've heard about this guy. it's coz he made spiral maze that probably make you dizzy when you click one spot in his room
take a look of this picture


well, those are the perfect house. Go search it on your buddy list, type their name, go visit their room and ring it. If you like their room, add to favorite and you can visit their house everyday you like.



Monday, June 27, 2011

OPINION : Alice Nine Items are THE MOST RARE Items in pico

Hi everyone, i'm back
In this section, I'll tell you something about my opinion of alice nine items (NOT THE GACHA ITEMS) .
Just to remind you, pls open this link! (right click, open new tab)

this items was able on the ended September 2010.
first time i saw this items was not cool at all, i meant not cute. then i just thought that i must to buy this items, coz pico said it was just able for limited time.

here's the picture of alice nine items

cost price: (left to right)
1. Shou's Hat from the Single "Senkou" = 180 AG
2. Shou's Eye patch from the Single "Senkou" = 250 AG
3. Shou's Jacket from the Single "Senkou"= 230 AG
4. Alice Nine Band T-Shirt = 100 AG
5. Shou's Vest from the single "Senkou" = 120 AG
6. Shou's Pants from the Single "Senkou" = 150 AG
7. Shou's Microphone from the Single "Senkou" = 250 AG
8. Shou's Corsage from the Single "Senkou" = 80 AG

total for full items are : 1360 AG

All this items was unable to purchase using with token or gumms.

I never know this items is so rare, until someone posted something on discussion topic in ameba fan page that he wanted the alice nine items (not gacha ones) return to pico.

besides that, alice nine items never return again like the gacha ones. as far as i remember, alice nine gacha items was coming back TWICE in the period of that time.

here's the picture of alice nine items (gacha premium)

gacha items was very common items that gold users mostly have it. you can find some others people use that wig on Japanese park :)

so if you have alice nine items (not gacha premi) please be proud of it and DO NOT EVER delete THE MOST RARE items in your closet. :)

c ya later guys :D



Saturday, June 18, 2011

I Hate Copycat!

hello, i'm back! yeah, last time i checked my last post was on April.
Preety long time, right? LOL
any way,, i wanna talk about copycat.

Idk, i'm not really sure this is copycaters OR my hater .__.
well she got exactly same name with mine :(
here's a picture of hers that i have and you still able find hers now before she changes her name.

take a look of her name and mine!
my name was written with e m e r a l d (emerald)
and her was written with e m e r a I d (she change the word "L" with capital "i" )
so she got name exactly look same with mine. so bitchy!

on her profile, she said "gw copycat. loe mo apa?" which is mean,
"i'm copycat, and wat will you do?"

she exactly know that i'm the one who hate copycat. well who don't?
why i hate copycat is they try to "steal" your idea and anything that you've done with your own thinking.
and i tod it was a cheat!!!!

another pictures that someone try to steal my idea is this guy. i dont remember his name, coz he changed it.
he try to stole my room's idea. OMG. does he reliaze how hard to make that train???

here's picture of this fkin copycater.

my room is on the top of this picture (red and black train)
 he kicked me out when i tried to ask him to change his room. LOL

well, try to make your own thing. :) it helps you a lot. you'll never know how satisfied you are, when you're done doin something that it's made by your self. :)

