Monday, April 25, 2011

Fishing in Ameba Pigg (pictures)

hello picoos.. how are you?
i've been so busy to play pigg.. idk i think i get more exciting thing in pigg.
well,, i do fishing thing in there. here's some pictures when i get golden fish in pigg

oops yea,, i changed my look become errr ugly LOL
this is on the river. green area

this is when i got golden fish on the boat. black area.
the point of this kind fish is worth it with its size anyway. So yeahh i'm happy :D
oh if you see the man with skateboard, he's my friends anyway. isn't he cool with his skate board, huh?
someday i'll buy that thing :D

this is when i got golden fish on pier. yellow area 

this is momski (mommy). she got silver fish on amazon. yellow area.

this is golden fish from boat area. yellow area

this is golden fish from pier. black area.

isn't that fun? if you are begginer on fishing. here a link that will help you.. right click and open new tab!

see ya picos!!


Friday, April 1, 2011


Hello everyone.. lemme say,, "welcome april" \:D/
i'm goin to say about pigg. Most of you maybe ever heard this.

based question,, what is pigg??
pigg is same thing like pico. cyber agent created virtual game on the first time is on pigg and then they moved on to pico and join with Facebook to go internationally. in short ways, pigg is pico's father. :)

that's why there's a lot japanese in pico ^^-

now days i almost never play pico. that's why i never write anything in my blog =.=

ok here's some picture that me and my friends doin in pigg.. lot of fun happen here..



with My friends,
lef to right (up) : pinkupinky, scarlet, ME, apin, ikha
lef to right (down) : chox, mocha

me with Dekil, oh btw.. he has skateboard >.<

see. cool isnt?

me and scarlet were fishing together.. :D

left to the right: ikha, apin, ME

these are fun isnt? LOL. come join us.. and we spread our love in here :D love ya
